Take it easy
  Tamberlaine (White Pine Co.)

39°04'47.0"N 114°41'07.0"W

VISITED September 19, 2020
Our breakfast: Auctioneer Diner, Fallon
Our dinner: The Cellblock, Ely
Our motel: Bristlecone Motel, Ely
Our breakfast: Nardi's, Ely
Our dinner: Evah's, Ely
Our breakfast: Nardi's, Ely
DIRECTIONS From Ely: Head south on US 6/50/93 for 7.6 miles; head east on NV 486 for 2.5 miles; follow powerline road for about 2.6 miles.

Also referred to as Tamerlaine, Tambor, Tamerlane, and probably other confusing names, making my job harder.

The Manganese (Vietti) mine workings consist of more than 1,500 feet of shafts, drifts, and crosscuts and 1 small open pit The ore body is composed of several lenses that dip 25° to 40° SW. and pitch down dip. Ore has been mined for 160 feet down dip, and drilling has shown that the ore body continues at least 80 feet farther. The ore ranges in thickness from 1 foot to more than 15 feet. The average thickness of the ore mined was about 5 feet. This ore body has yielded about 6,000 tons of ore containing 35 to 40 percent manganese. The Caesar-John mine workings on the northeast end of the Manganese claim explore the Caesar-John and adjacent ore bodies. The ore body follows a fault zone which strikes eastward and dips steeply south. The fault zone is as much as 50 feet wide but does not consist of manganese ore for more than part of this width. Small pods of manganese oxides were stoped The tenor of the ore decreased in value, and the stopes were not extended to the surface. The Steptoe (Essex) mine adjoins the Manganese mine workings on the west and southwest. The workings consist of 3 small open pits, a shaft, and more than 1,200 feet of underground workings. In 1955 ore was being mined in workings from the Caesar shaft By selective mining from veins 2 to 10 feet wide, 18 car lots of ore was produced. This ore averaged 44 percent manganese and 5 percent silica. Exploration in 1955 from the Northwest shaft revealed an ore body in the north drift about 6 feet wide and 80 feet long, averaging about 26 percent manganese and high in silica. No commercial ore was found.

The Nevada Mining District is less than ten miles south of ELy in the southern Duck Creek Range. Most of the mines are situated in the western foothills flanking the range and within Tamberlaine Canyon. The district is best known for its production of manganese ore from the mines east of the mouth of Tamberlaine Canyon. However, within the last decade renewed exploration and mining have been focused on the area surrounding old silver prospects north of the manganese mines.


Several large structures still standing.

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